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Published Q4-2024 All Registered Institutions

We are pleased to inform you that the latest Registered Institutions List for [...]


“NAECOB Announces Registration for Educational Providers: A Milestone in Quality Education”

“NAECOB Announces Registration for Educational Providers: A Milestone in Quality Education” In a [...]


Is your school registered?

Registration certifies that a local institution/provider offering/proposing to offer an educational service in [...]


Eleuthera REGISTERED Schools and Institutions

The following schools are registered and compliant with The National Accreditation and Equivalency [...]


Official Opening of the New Location of NAECOB

Excerpt from The Ministry of Education & Technical & Vocational Training, Bahamas Facebook [...]


The Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of MOETVT Tours NAECOB

Pictured from L-R: Dr. Lisa Stovel-Rolle, Executive Director (NAECOB), PS Armbrister, Permanent Secretary [...]



Distance Learning– formal process of delivering instruction, educational services or support to students via  electronic or other media.

Online Learning– form of distance learning where most of the instruction is offered via computer and the Internet. 

Web-enhanced course  the use of online resources or activities to enrich a component of traditional  classroom session without reducing the number of in-person class meeting required.

Hybrid Learning  combines wed-based learning with traditional (face-to-face) classroom environment. 

Open Learning  learning based on independent study or initiative. 

Online Course–  a type of course where the instruction is entirely online and delivered through the use of technology.